80 pg. Hearings Report - Project Director: Grace Shimizu. Published by the National Japanese American Historical Society, San Francisco CA

This report was presented to the 2006 Congress. On February 19, 1942 – Two months and twelve days after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt signed Executive order 9066, that forced Japanese Americans, Peruvian of Japanese descent, German and Italian Americans to be illegally detained at Internment camps for the duration of WWII.

In 1988 the surviving Japanese Americans, who had been interned, were awarded some monetary compensation and a formal apology. However, this did not extend to the Japanese Peruvians or German and Italian Americans who had been illegally detained or deported. The Hearings Report was an attempt to have this dark chapter in American history formally acknowledged by the US Congress.

80 pg. Hearings Report - Project Director: Grace Shimizu. Published by the National Japanese American Historical Society, San Francisco CA